Think about where you have traveled in the last week. Commuting to work, making a trip to the store, or taking a walk around the block.
It doesn’t matter if you live in the city or country, most likely you have gone by fast food establishments. They are everywhere! Many of us that work in the city go by multiple establishments a day. The food that is readily available in two minutes is almost all garbage. Our bodies can’t thrive on processed, artificial foods.
Trust me, I struggle every day when I pass by and see big yellow arches. I can practically taste the french fries just by seeing that familiar fast food sign. The methodical marketing techniques work! It is Inevitable that the signs, jingles, smells, or memories from certain fast food chains will tempt us to pull into their parking lots.
Addiction to food is a real thing and it is not an easy battle to fight. Many Americans are addicted to unhealthy processed food. It could be fast food, donuts, candy bars, or premium coffee drinks.
Whatever your food vice is, I know that you can overcome it.
Here are the steps that have helped me.
1. Come to an agreement with yourself that a certain food/restaurant is not benefitting your heath. Do some research on the food if you are unsure.
2. Replace that food with a health alternative. For example, I love ice cream. I have replaced ice cream at night with an ice blended protein shake. That satisfies my craving.
3. Have someone to hold you accountable for the change that you are making. This could be a spouse, co-worker, friend, or trainer. For myself, my wife and I hold each other accountable.
No one I have ever met eats 100% perfectly, 100% of the time – it’s impossible! So when you do slip up and have that piece of cake with gooey frosting, eat that order of hot french fries, or down that candy bar, acknowledge it and move on. If there is an unhealthy food that you can’t live without because you love it so much, just make sure you eat it sparingly. Better yet, see if there is a healthier version you can replace it with some of the time.
Keep these tips in mind to help keep you on track to a healthier, and happier you!
Chris Hanson
Fitness Director
Rejuv Medical
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