I Know You Cheat…

…on your diet.  We live in society where food temptations are everywhere. Walk through a store and you’ll see the unhealthy food items displayed front and center. Turn on the TV and you’ll be assaulted with commercials for fattening foods. Open a magazine and...

Get Back on Track After Vacay

So you went away, saw a new part of the world, and now you’re back. You ate, you drank, you relaxed, and then you ate some more.  And now it’s time to face the music. As you wake up on Monday morning after your week of less-than-healthy eating… Your body is puffy and...

Overcoming The Inevitable

Think about where you have traveled in the last week. Commuting to work, making a trip to the store, or taking a walk around the block. It doesn’t matter if you live in the city or country, most likely you have gone by fast food establishments. They are everywhere!...

Your Best Bet Yet!

What is the heathiest bet you can make? When I hear the word “bet” I think casino, horse racing, and sports. This may be a form of entertainment for you. Possibly a way to bond with friends, co-workers, or maybe even complete strangers. Many people make “bets” daily....