Rejuv Medical Blog

Getting Uncomfortable While Creating New Habits

Getting Uncomfortable While Creating New Habits

By Kim S. Ever tried creating a new healthy habit like starting a weight loss program by cutting calories, beginning an exercise program, waking up earlier to start a new routine, quitting an addiction like caffeine or sugar? Your body will go...

Health Matters: Cracking Knuckles and Arthritis

This week on WJON's Health Matters program, Jay Caldwell talked with Dr. Joel Baumgartner from Rejuv Medical. He asked him if cracking your knuckles can lead to arthritis. He says no although cracking your knuckles can...

Why You are Not Losing Body Fat

Why You are Not Losing Body Fat

You have changed some things in your life in order to work toward your goal of losing body fat. You are working out and eating healthy and STILL it feels like you are spinning your wheels? Moving your body and eating right for your body are just a...

Massive Remodel Underway at Rejuv Medical

Massive Remodel Underway at Rejuv Medical

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Waite Park, Oct. 15, 2021 – Rejuv Medical is undergoing construction due to high patient demand in Central Minnesota. They've outgrown the layout of the facility over the last 8-years and need to increase capacity within the...

Top 5 Stretches For “Sitters”

Top 5 Stretches For “Sitters”

If you spend long hours behind a desk or computer, or hunched over a cell phone or laptop, you’ll know how quickly the muscles in your back, neck and shoulders tighten up. From there it’s not long before the aches, pains and muscle stiffness start...

Immune Boosting Vegan Curry Recipe

Immune Boosting Vegan Curry Recipe

DescriptionNeed a quick and simple dinner you can make in one pan? You’re in luck because this vegan peanut curry with chickpeas and sweet potato is exactly that! This recipe makes 5-6 servings so for those with smaller households, you’ll get to...

Top 3 Care Tips To Use After PRP

Top 3 Care Tips To Use After PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are used for the repair of chronic degenerative joints, ligaments and tendon injuries. This new technology is changing the way doctors and sports physicians treat injury, pain and aging. PRP is blood plasma...

Quick Lymphatic Flow Workout In The A.M.

Quick Lymphatic Flow Workout In The A.M.

Below are a couple of mini-exercises that you can do first thing in the morning to help wake you up – and give your body an energy boost.  They’ll get your blood pumping and help rev up an important part of your immune system that usually doesn’t...

Before-Bed Chamomile Chai Tea Recipe

Before-Bed Chamomile Chai Tea Recipe

Here's a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better! Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax. It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies, and it also...

How The Body Craves Routine

How The Body Craves Routine

Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you felt “in the flow”?  Wasn’t it GREAT? You had a TON of energy, your sleep was on track, you felt productive, and you were positive and optimistic. Not to get woo-woo, but you felt “in sync.”...

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