Rejuv Medical Blog
SPF-Why Do We Need It Every Day, All Year Long?
We wear our skin all day every day. It is the biggest organ we have. It protects us, and it is so important to make sure we are showing it some love and protecting it right back! There are so many things that can cause damage to our skin including...
Back Pain with Dr. B
We see back pain patients every day, it’s one of the most common things we see in our clinic. About 15 to 20 years ago, when someone with back pain would come in, I’d initially think “oh no, not a low back pain patient” because they can be very...
What is Functional Medicine?
Functional Medicine is different than what providers would normally do in the healthcare world. What we mean by this is, if you come to your doctor and say that you are having high blood pressure symptoms, they would normally check your levels,...
The Before: Trapped In My Body – Brook Stephens
It’s June 18th, 2022. Currently it’s 83° and sunny here at Winstock Music Festival. I’ve been here camping since Wednesday night. Now it’s Saturday night, the final night of music, camping and friends. But this year at Winstock just hits different....
Why is a Skincare Routine So Important?
The Inside Scoop on Esthetics with Meredith Routines are a must for our everyday lives. Think about it-whether it’s making your bed every morning, taking your vitamins, brushing your teeth, etc. Everyone has some sort of routine that starts you off...
Bone-on-Bone Conditions: An Office Visit with Terrence Keller
Many times, we have patients who are experiencing bone on bone, or Osteoarthritis, and believe that a total replacement is their only option and that regenerative medicine or other injections at Rejuv Medical will not help. As PA-C Terrence Keller...
Fit Families
Families that play together stay together. You have heard that line before. Being a Fit Family together is a way to create a close-knit family bond. From mealtime, household tasks to playtime, Kids love being included. It gives them a sense of...
Stress Sleep & Nervous System
There are two hormones that counterbalance each other to create a normal circadian rhythm. Melatonin is the master sleep hormone. This is make in a small gland within the brain that registers darkness and light. The other hormone is call cortisol....
Eating for Energy
So often when we need a quick energy boost we think of grabbing a caffeinated beverage instead of finding the fuel our bodies truly need. The basic fuel to keep the human body in optimal motion is the food we consume. That food is broken down by...
Your Pillow Matters
To achieve an optimal night’s sleep while decreasing neck soreness, you will want to find a pillow to fit your needs. Over stretching of the cervical spine can lead to soft tissue and joint pain. Consider this; are you a stomach sleeper, a side...
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