Rejuv Medical Blog
How to Find Time for Your Health
Do you know one of the top reasons people have for not being able to commit to a regular wellness routine? It’s because they say they “don’t have enough time.” So, we’re going to break down some ways you can find that time! This quote pretty...
Tips to Elevate Your Fall Skincare Routine
Have you been feeling like your summer skincare routine isn’t giving you the same results as it was a month ago? Well, you are not alone! As the seasons are changing and the temperature is slowly falling, our skin can become imbalanced due to...
Your Food Might Be Keeping You Stuck
Want to know the #1 roadblock that’s stopping people from reaching their goals? This is based on my years of experience, but there’s plenty of science to back it up. The #1 thing, not mindset-related, that stops people from reaching their fitness...
Simple Tip for Crushing Fitness Goals!
Hey, you! Yeah, you! What would your fitness routine look like if it were easy? Fact: Most of us LOVE to make things complicated. There’s even a term for it: “complexity bias.” Complexity bias is when you decide to make a change in almost any area...
Brook Stephen’s Weight Loss Journey: An Update
Today, I’ve cried 5 times. 7 if you count the two “almost cry” moments. Today, I weigh the lowest I’ve weighed in 2 years; 349.2 lbs. I’ve officially lost 17.2 lbs and 10 overall body inches. This is amazing right? Absolutely. So, why am I crying...
Switch This for That: Inflammatory Foods
I think it’s safe to say that most of us know that oily, fast food is pretty inflammatory to our bodies. But the unfortunate thing is that a lot of popular brands also sneak inflammatory ingredients into their labels. Common ingredients that cause...
A Journey with Hashimoto’s
Throughout my 23 years of life, I have been the queen of treats- cookies, candy, cake, you name it, I want it. One thing I didn’t realize, though, was that a good portion of my favorite foods were the reason for many of my issues. Because I had...
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
When we hear the term arthritis, we often relate that to the symptoms we experience as the body ages. The causes of most arthritis are not fully known, but we do know that most forms begin with a fault in the immune system that cause the body to...
National Refreshment Day
Friday is National Refreshment Day! Obviously, we all know that drinking water is one of the best ways to stay hydrated on a daily basis. Although, there are some days where staying hydrated can be difficult, like a hot summer day when you’re...
National Junk Food Day
It’s National Junk Food Day this week! Now don’t start running to the cabinet to grab an unhealthy snack just to celebrate. Take this time to really look into what you’re eating. Read the ingredient label and make sure you’re limiting yourself when...
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