Rejuv Medical Blog

Why are you doing that?

How long have you been trying to lose those last 10 or 20 or 30 pounds?  

Been awhile now, hasn't it?

  You know how to lose weight --eat healthy and exercise--so why are you still living in a body that you're disappointed with?  

In my...

Easy Meal Prep Tips

Ever wonder what it would be like to open your fridge to find a full week of healthy, delicious food that’s prepped and ready to be eaten? Sure would make sticking with your diet and achieving fat loss a lot easier… Meal prep is a fantastic way to...

The BEST Way to Get Fit

Talk to 10 people and you'll get 10 different opinions on the best way to get fit.

One will tell you to attend an aerobics class. Another will swear by jogging.  Yet another will tell you that dance and biking worked for them.

The truth is that...

Rock Your Skinny Jeans For The Holidays!

I can't believe today is November 8th. We're under 3 weeks away from Thanksgiving and less than 2 months away until Christmas! 1 week after that we will be starting 2017! Why wait until the new year to work on a new and better you? Your inner voice...

4 Guilt Free Pasta Recipes You’ll Love

It’s hard to find a dinner more satisfying than a steaming plate of flavorful pasta, but by now you’re well aware of just how fattening that is. Let’s not give up on our favorite pasta dishes…let’s make these dishes lighter, healthier and just as...

The One-Two Punch For Fast Fat Loss

How many times have you looked in the mirror and wished that you could make your belly fat vanish before your eyes? Unsightly fat around the stomach is one of the most common body frustrations that I come across with my clientele. No one wants a...

Kill Those Cravings Once & For All!

If you’ve ever tasted packaged junk food (and who hasn’t) then you know just how addicting it can be. There’s a reason for this – the food companies actually formulate each bite for maximum craveability. This is done with a special tantalizing...

The ONLY Fitness Lesson You Need

Are you working towards a specific number on the scale? Or are you hoping to fit into a certain size dress or jeans? While having this goal is great, it will NOT ensure your success. Think about how many people you know who have had a specific...

4 Body Changes When You Eat Low Carb

Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen to your body if you stopped eating refined carbs? It’s no secret that refined and processed carbs contribute to weight gain, and so reducing the amount of these in your diet would logically lead to...

5 Super Fast Meal Recipes

Most of my clients want to eat healthy – they really do – but a single detrimental factor gets in their way…they simply don’t have the time. I get it, we all lead busy lives that leave very little extra time for healthy meal prep, but the...

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