Rejuv Medical Blog
Treatments for Back Pain: The Rejuv Advantage
If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work days. In a large...
Allergies, Food Sensitivities, and Inflammation…
Our Functional Medicine highlight this month is allergies, food sensitivities, and inflammation. We want to let you know some services we offer, and differences between the type of tests available. A large portion of patients’ symptoms are related...
Don’t Fall Backwards This Fall
It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to change, and the holidays are right around the corner. Since the beach season is over it’s common for people to “Fall” backwards with their progress and lose focus on their goals. So here are a...
Fall Prevention Tips
As the Fall season gets underway, I’m sure most of us are thinking of nothing more than the changing colors, Friday night lights, and the occasional pumpkin flavored treat! Yet with this time of year it’s important to remember the increased risk of...
Lets Talk Progressive Overload…
Let's talk progressive overload... Perhaps the most important principle in the exercise world! Despite being so important, it is often overlooked because it is what makes us feel uncomfortable. Discomfort in the body is treated much like discomfort...
Suffering From Hair Loss? You’re Not Alone!
Suffering from hair loss can be socially awkward, uncomfortable, and downright humiliating. Do you embrace having less hair by trying a new hair style? Do you REALLY embrace it and shave your head? Do you find a wig? These are all questions...
Feeling Fatigued?
Are you feeling fatigued because of all the running around or traveling that you are doing? Are you getting all the nutrients that you need to recover from your workouts or stressful days? IV therapy can be a possible solution for many of these...
Attention Runners: FAQ’s
Attention All Runners: Summer is here, which means Goodbye Treadmill and Hello Sunshine. For some of you, that may mean achy knees, lateral hip pain, or shin splints. Or maybe you’re still feeling good, but worried about the cumulative effect of...
Understanding Male Hair Loss
Marshall Evans is a licensed cosmetologist from Raleigh North Carolina. Marshall has a passion for educating his clients on hair loss and helping them select treatment methods. Marshall is a firm believer that Baldness is not inevitable or...
10 Ways to Cope with Erectile Dysfunction
Reclaim Your Power 1. Try a Vegan Challenge to Improve Your Diet Clogged arteries can play a significant role in erectile dysfunction. When you can’t maintain adequate blood flow to your penis, you can’t maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction...
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