Rejuv Medical Blog

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body

Have you ever wondered why people need one-on-one coaching? We are here not just to help you reach your physical goals, but to help you develop a healthy mindset which leads to healthy lifestyle practices. Mindset is our beliefs and attitudes that...

Junk (Food) = Junk

Junk (Food) = Junk

Minimizing the Additives in Your Diet Years ago, I had a client who had a weight loss goal as well as a health goal. Before our session, she pulled me aside and presented two snack packs. One was a package of raw almonds the other was a package of...

Cell Health CFAN

CELL HEALTH OVERVIEW: INNOVATION-INTEGRATION-OPTIMIZATION As a whole, we are not heading in the right direction from a health perspective. We are growing more obese as a population, with obesity rates soaring and soon to be close to 40 percent of...

Exercise For Immunity

Want a strong immune system?  Get out and move your body!  Exercise increases the exchange of important white blood cells, which help with the body’s immune response and circulation.  The increase activity of the immune cells will help fight off...

Harvest Harvest

Harvest, Harvest!  Well, the dog days of summer are upon us and that brings to mind harvest season for some of our favorite crops, like sweet corn. At the same time it makes us think about how much we rely on our body to help us with harvest,...

Functional IVs

Restore Nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals & More With IV Therapy  IV Therapy Treatments are in high demand as patients experience the advantages of a tailored nutritional “cocktail” that replenishes and restores depleted nutrients, vitamins,...

Chapter 7: Water

CHAPTER 7: WATER FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH OR SWAMPY MARSH? Water is the only drink for a wise man. ― Henry Thoreau  Water is involved in almost every function in our bodies and it is essential for optimal health. Water transports vital nutrients and...

Dynamic Movements

Dynamic Movements Have you ever been to physical therapy, attended a Rejuv Fitness, or even a sporting event with the family? If you have, most often you will notice a stretching routine that is performed prior to beginning the main...

Updated Gym Policies Effective 6.9.20

We want to thank you for your patience and loyalty during this uncertain time and can assure you that we will make your fitness experience as close to normal with the addition of some safety precautions due to COVID-19.      Your...

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