Is Your Brain Shrinking? It Might Be!

YES! At last it’s starting to feel a little bit summery outside. It’s been great to be able to actually get outside comfortably and feel the sunshine and dig in the dirt. That’s my idea of fun in the sun anyway, digging in the dirt gardening. I spent literally all day...

Dare To Detox

Earlier this week, we were talking about keeping our cells healthier by steering clear of processed foods. Well, what about all the processed foods we have already been eating? What do we do about the MSG and fake food coloring already swimming around in our system?...

What Fuels You?

What Fuels You? When you pull up to the pump to fuel up your Fiat, do you pump in diesel? Nope. When your Beagle says it’s suppertime, do you fill her bowl with cat food? Probably not. When your tasty tomato plants need a boost, do you pour on flower food? Of course...

How To Breathe Easy

We talked about some breathing basics the other day and just how important proper breathing is for our body’s building blocks, our cells. Cells need oxygen to function properly and they don’t get it if you don’t breathe properly. So how does one learn to breathe...

May 2019 Week 1 Email

Focus on your Purpose, not your Problem Where’s your head at? Are you carrying a lot of weight? No, not body weight, mental weight.  Do you put expectations on yourself that steer you away from your path of purpose? Is it easier to see the burden and not the...