You’ve Got To Move It, Move It

You’ve Got To Move It, Move It Summer is the season when people on the move. How you move, what you move and when you move are all important. Movement is what our Physical Therapists at Rejuv Medical live and breathe. Physical therapy is often thought of as a means to...
Move It Or Lose It!

Move It Or Lose It!

Move It Or Lose It! Let’s talk about moving. NO, not moving to Hawaii… moving your SELF, every day, the right way. Moving can be good and moving can be bad. It’s good when it’s done right, it can be really bad if it’s done wrong. We work with people all the time who...

Struggling To Shed Some lb’s? Get Some Zzz’s!

Struggling to Lose lbs? Get some Zzz! Remember your first sleepover as a kid? I do. It was supposed to be a sleepover, but it turned into a wakeover. I was about ten years old and one of my classmates had a birthday party. There were two of us invited; me and a loud,...

The Low Down on Tummy Trouble

  The Low Down on Tummy Trouble Woman touching stomach painful suffering from stomachache causes of menstruation period, gastric ulcer, appendicitis or gastrointestinal system disease. Healthcare and health insurance concept We see patients with tummy trouble all...