Sticking To It – 2019 Resolutions

Written by: Kirsten Freeman It’s that time again. What’s your New Year’s resolution? The number one answer I get to that question is lose weight. OK well I do work in a fitness center so that probably explains why I hear that particular resolution A LOT, but is losing...

Surviving The Holidays

Written by Jake Hutt With the holidays coming up it can be easy for us to fall into some bad habits. There are few basic tips that might help you survive these next few months and avoid putting on some unnecessary weight. One of the biggest mistakes by people during...

The Symphony of Hormones

Written by Valerie Carlson, RN, CNP The Symphony of Hormones  Hormones are so important to our health; they regulate literally every system in our body. There are many kinds of hormones that are made in different glands or organs. A hormone is produced in one...

Allergies, Food Sensitivities, and Inflammation…

Our Functional Medicine highlight this month is allergies, food sensitivities, and inflammation. We want to let you know some services we offer, and differences between the type of tests available. A large portion of patients’ symptoms are related to inflammation. In...