Managing Stress with Meditation

Managing Stress with Meditation

What is stress?! Why do some people have it, and others don’t?! Stress is the way the body and brain respond to change, challenges, or demands. It is the way the body naturally defends itself against any dangers it perceives. This is frequently referred to as our...
3 Tips for Starting a Gluten Free Diet

3 Tips for Starting a Gluten Free Diet

Have you been told you need to start a gluten free diet?? It may seem so overwhelming at first, but with a little help and mindset adjustment, it won’t be so bad 😉 Here are my top three tips for starting a gluten free diet. But first off, enjoy those last few days of...
Guidelines for Goal-Setting

Guidelines for Goal-Setting

A new year, means a new you, right? Nah. That’s cliché. It’s time to start being a little realistic. Let’s face it. Setting New Year’s goals sometimes sets you up for failure– depending on how you attack these goals. By starting out slow...