Cardio for Longevity

Cardio for Longevity

Everybody interprets the word “Cardio” differently; some hate it, some love it, some just do it, some don’t. Cardio in the basic sense is making the heart and lungs work harder for a period of time. The “period of time” is what creates a challenge for most people. The...
Not Only OUR Fiber, But WHY Fiber!

Not Only OUR Fiber, But WHY Fiber!

In an outstanding effort to provide the highest quality supplements to our members and clients we have really knocked it out of the park with our Fiber Blend! While fiber may be “fiber” there should indeed be a perfect balance between insoluble and soluble fiber for...
Sleeping to Restore

Sleeping to Restore

With each patient who sees our Functional Medicine providers, we address medication and supplement use, medical history, family history, allergies, etc., but we also go over five subjects that typically get overlooked – exercise, diet, stress, fatigue, and sleep. WHY...
Optimizing Cell Health

Optimizing Cell Health

The human body is comprised of over 30 trillion cells with over 300 billion cells being replaced on a daily basis. These cells are responsible for a vast number of functions. Transportation of oxygen, repairing tissue, providing our immune system, optimizing hormone...