Why is a Skincare Routine So Important?

Why is a Skincare Routine So Important?

The Inside Scoop on Esthetics with Meredith Routines are a must for our everyday lives. Think about it-whether it’s making your bed every morning, taking your vitamins, brushing your teeth, etc. Everyone has some sort of routine that starts you off on the right foot...
Fit Families

Fit Families

Families that play together stay together. You have heard that line before. Being a Fit Family together is a way to create a close-knit family bond. From mealtime, household tasks to playtime, Kids love being included. It gives them a sense of responsibility and that...
Stress Sleep & Nervous System

Stress Sleep & Nervous System

There are two hormones that counterbalance each other to create a normal circadian rhythm. Melatonin is the master sleep hormone. This is make in a small gland within the brain that registers darkness and light. The other hormone is call cortisol. This is a hormone...